Goals & Objectives
The Project Hopes to:
- Address the issue that, presently, there are no memorials or monuments acknowledging the victims of the system of the racially-based slave trade in Yonkers or Westchester County
- Provide the Yonkers community, as well as the County of Westchester, with a testament to its commitment to cross-cultural exposure by creating a public artwork that acknowledges the dignity of enslaved Africans and restores their humanity.
- Employ the arts as an innovative method of education to develop, implement, and support arts-integrated education and employment options for multi-cultural youth
- Expose students to an artistic medium not offered in the public school curriculum
- Allow students to exercise their creative skills and employ what they’ve already learned in school: photography, video, creative writing, etc., to create a documentary as a learning tool for their peers and the community-at-large
- Design a meditative rain garden, which will be a self-sustaining ecosystem
- Add to the enhancement of the downtown Yonkers environment with public art
- Encourage corporate and private funding streams, community-based organizations, and municipal/community leaders to strengthen the creative economy by supporting local arts programming, artists, and art businesses.
- Increase Yonkers’ overall number of cultural visitors, audiences, and lengths of stay
Enslaved Africans Rain Garden
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Copyright 2022 Vinnie Bagwell. All rights reserved.